Sand, glitter, a bride, and an alligator.

This weekend was jam-packed with a beautiful bride, tons of sand, sparkly lace and an alligator!!!!! Oh how fun! If I didn't have muscles Friday night, I most certainly do now... my legs are so sore as is my booty from squatting down, getting up, and rolling - literally - on the ground for two full days of shooting.  This weekend has left me bruises, sand in my ears and buns of steel.

And my hands, oh my little itty-bitty hands are very much tired. My camera is little but still heavy... I should probably put the neck strap back on.... hmmm, there's an idea Marisol!

How's this for juxtaposition of what my weekend consisted of...

Thank you Yva and Sofi for all your help this weekend! And Valerie, you are amazing with your brides!!! Working hard feels oh-so-good... Someone is going to have to drag me out of bed tomorrow morning!

This week I'm looking forward to: Making new friends, Top Chef Texas, Sofia's Birthday!!! What about you?

Make it a great weekend friends!!!


Yva and I drove to South Padre Island today for Mariel's bridal session... On the way over we discussed all sorts of crazy stuff - our plans for a motorcycle/scooter gang, ninja skills, and our sorority sister Sofia's future. It was during our discussion of the bright future Sofi has at her fingertips that I too asked Yva a very important question...

Attorney. Photographer. Ninja. 

What should I be? Quick, pick one!

Why can't you combine all three? Oh yeah... Yva, you're a genius. 

Rewind about 25 minutes prior to the conversation and drive. I sneak up behind my youngest brother and karate chop him on his back. "Did I catch you off guard?" I ask him. "Umm, no. I heard you coming behind me," he replies. What?! I was so totally practicing my ninja skills. He heard my car keys jingle as they flung around from my back pocket. 

Okay, so I have yet to perfect my recently acquired ninja skills. But, yes there is a but, I am always ninja-ing around during my sessions and weddings. I climb trees, roll on the ground and inconspicuously photograph wedding days. Surely, I am a ninja. 

Whoah. My logic is a little off there but Yva and I realized that I can already be, sort of, a ninja and a photographer. Thus, decisions are not that hard. She also then proceeded to suggest I become ordained and marry people, umm... Yva are you crazy?! 

So what's my point? My point is I can be whatever I want to be. As long as I want it ;)

Which brings me to the following... Yva has been wanting to do some more hands on assisting and, as promised, I wanted to teach her to photograph effortlessly. And today she did! My little Yva, you have tons to learn as do I but you are a complete natural in my eyes. 

Since I cannot yet share with you today's bridal session... how about I share with you Yva's photos that she took of yours truly.

I'm a natural... ninja that is!!!! Here I am, incognito. 

Way to go my young grasshopper Yva. Yippee! You photographed manually and learned to compose artistically. Ah-mazing :) This weekend is filled with a bride, good friends, sand, and a full day of boudoir sessions tomorrow. I'm such a lucky gal to have great help... for baggage, work, and always a good laugh. 

You can do whatever you set your minds to my friends. Anything you wish, you can do it. I'm a photographer and, in my dreams, I am the greatest ninja - ever. Be an attorney, that is in God's hand if it'll end up in my future. ::crosses fingers:: 

Have a beautiful weekend my friends!

Happy Birthday AJ!!!

I was elven years old when my little brother AJ was born. I changed his diapers, washed his bottles and taught him how to walk. If I close my eyes, I can clearly see him walking through the house stumbling with his chubby little legs. I get quiet and I can hear him "oohing and ahhing" as he screams for someone to reach in his crib and take him out to play. I can hear his baby talk progress as he learns how to speak and eventually correctly pronounce my name. I can see him, a baby grow up into a toddler and eventually be ready for elementary school. 

Mary! Mary! He always calls my name. Except now I look up rather than down to speak to him or listen. I can no longer call him my munchkin... he's practically a giant! He has surpassed me in height a fews years now and seems to continue to grow every day. I look at him and wonder where the time went. One minute he was a baby clinging on to me and now he carries my bags for me. Wow. Can you imagine how my mother feels?

I am very protective of my three younger brothers. I am their big sister and they are like my three children. I worry for them. I discipline them. I jump for joy when they are happy. I can't believe they are growing up so quickly. AJ, my middle little brother has just turned 15 today! Whoah!!! 

I was scared the day my mom was rushed to the hospital after the stove, pictured in the background of the image below, caught on fire. Mom was trying to stop the fire and rush Michael and I out of the house safely all while being 8 months pregnant. She tripped and fell prompting the early labor of my little brother. I remember she was rushed off and I was afraid I couldn't accompany her. That night, this kiddo arrived...

Kitchen looks good now... and so does my handsome little brother. AJ, I love you so much! I am so proud of the young man you are becoming and wish you a very blessed life! Hugs :) 
Xoxo, Your Big Sister :)

Good night friends!!

A little prose to warm the soul...

...Miss Dickinson says it best.

If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain;
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again
I shall not live in vain. 

- Emily Dickinson 

It's been an extremely rough week. C'est la vie.
Cheers for a better next!

For your Valentine...

I can certainly thank a special lady for instigating this following post...

Due to a special request, I have decided to host a day of Valentine's Day Mini Boudoir Sessions. It will be a one day only event where you can feel sultry, sexy and absolutely beautiful. Sessions will be 25 minutes long and you can wear up to two looks. You'll get your images on a private gallery for you to view and share with your Valentine. Included in the session are two (2) 5x7 Photographs, making them the perfect gift for your beloved. If you are interested and highly covet a romantic and unique gift for your sweetie pie, then this is the session for you! 

So pull out the red lipstick, false eyelashes and best smile for an amazing session celebrating the art of being a woman. Oohh! And wear your favorite outfit ::wink wink::

Please note that the sessions will take place next weekend and will only be held on the set date. In order to fulfill orders in time for the February holiday, and due to the nature of the work entailed, I am only available to offer the session on January 29th. I am willing to open up the morning of the 28th as well IF there is a demand for it. Call me to discuss a time slot. The sessions will be held at a romantic and beautiful location. All you have to do is show up and smile :). You may feel free to bring a friend for encouragement and motivation. Oh! And remember, You are beautiful!!!

For further details and reserving your spot, please give me a call at (956) 569-2257. I should note that I am suffering a sore throat and either sound like man or have no voice... perhaps a text message may be better. Regardless, call me! :) **You can also email me at or

See you soon!


My internet is down for the day so here I am late night blogging from my phone. Since my scheduled blog post will have to wait, I thought I'd share with you a few things about myself.

I love...

Furniture shopping
Scented body powder
To Do Lists
Beans (Yumm!)
Classical Music.

Things that inspire me...

Happy people
World problems
Personal obstacles
Sorority sisters

Who keeps me strong...

What about you?

Good night :)