Let's time travel a little bit... It feels like forever ago but when I was hired for my very first wedding in February of 2010 for later that summer, I did not quite imagine the amazing people I would meet. The first couple who hired me, David and Vanessa, had already met me. They knew me and were my friends. Cinthya and Orlando, the second couple to hire me when I began this photography business were complete strangers. A brief reminder, I'm really shy sometimes so I knew I had David and Vanessa's wedding to get my feet wet before I met more clients. But fate has other plans for you, always.
I received a call the first week of June and on the other line was a sweet voice. Cinthya had seen my work and was interested in hiring me. Cinthya, a young woman I had never met before, wanted to hire me. I jumped up for joy. I could not believe it... I booked my first wedding for complete strangers. Little did I know, Cinthya and Orlando would become so much more than that.
Cinthya hired me seven, yes seven, days before her wedding. Whoah. Talk about a brief time to get to know your client. But right away during their engagement session, and especially during their wedding, I felt at ease around their presence. They are so in love with one another that it's difficult to not feel comfortable around them.
Orlando and Cinthya's wedding had so many firsts for me... feel free to read back at their 2010 wedding blog post {
http://www.marisolizaguirreblog.com/2010/06/weddingcinthya-and-orlando.html}. After their utterly romantic and intimate wedding (one of my faves!) when I turned in their photos to them, Cinthya mentioned perhaps she'd hire me again someday for her bigger church wedding... I remember leaving the Starbucks parking lot and hoping she would.
And guess what, she did!
Cinthya and Orlando planned a traditional wedding for their family and friends for the Fall and I am honored to have been invited back as their photographer. Very much like the first time, this wedding was full of beauty, love and romanticism. I had such a great time!
Cinthya and Orlando, thank you! Thank you for believing in me from the very first day a long time ago. I am delighted to have met you both and to continue to see your love grow into a strong marriage. I wish you both many, many years of love, health and happiness!
And oldie, but a goodie...
{Cinthya + Orlando... June 13, 2010 South Padre Island, Texas}
Now their BIG wedding... Love :)
I am biased, I admit it... Cinthya and Orlando hold a very special place in my heart.
Be blessed and stay warm friends :)