Feasting and cleaning up.

Yesterday the South Texas Alumnae Chapter of the Delta Zeta Sorority volunteered a few hours of our afternoon with HEB's 21st Annual Feast of Sharing.

Our turnout was small, but we still made a difference. The 2 hour shift went by way fast and we even had time to eat *before* helping out. Isn't that nice?

All throughout high school I volunteered at this annual event with school organizations. It was nice to be back... The venue is bigger, there's way more people and tons more volunteers.

And we, Delta Zeta, loved giving back.

My internet at home is not working right now so I'm blogging from my phone. Since I still wanted to blog tonight, I figured it was a perfect time to thank Annylu, Tammy, Laura, Jackie and Becca for volunteering their time.

Here's a few iPhone snippets...

What are some organizations you like to give back to?

Good night :)

For my birthday I wish for...

My birthday is in a few weeks, yikes!

I normally get very excited and have a countdown until the seconds right before my birthday. I've counted down for the past, well since I can remember. This year, I swore I wouldn't make a big deal any longer. I'll be over 25 and figured it was time to leave birthday wishes behind. 

Until I realized... who cares?! Who cares that I will be 26 and closer to thirty. Who cares that I have not definitively decided if I will follow a post graduate career or not. Who cares that I have not yet realized where I want to live. 

I'm having a birthday in a few weeks and I have a birthday wish!

I've been a late bloomer all my life. In everything. 

I have just decided I want a bike. While most kids get one from Santa or their parents around age 10, I am asking for one now. I smile at the thought of actually getting this for my birthday :)

I may, just may, buy myself a birthday gift this year...

It's a Huffy Women's Cruiser Bike, it's my favorite color and it has damask! All I need is a white basket... to carry my books, dreams and an ice cold Coca-Cola. Ahhhh.... Crossing my fingers :)


I'll need a helmet... 

Umm, yes. I still want a scooter. But this bike is only about a hundred dollars. I'm still saving up for the scooter :)

It's going to be a great week, I know it!!!

Photos above from:

Engaged... Christina + Marco Part Deux - Weslaco, Texas

Christina and Marco's wedding is literally one week away... I'm so excited!!! I've spent the past six months getting to know the two of them and have really learned a lot about them over the recent weeks. As I previously mentioned when I shared with you the first part of their engagement session, Christina and Marco are an incredibly sweet couple. They are very much in love with one another and it's obvious in their subtle glances and gestures. 

I have been anxiously been awaiting their late November wedding and the day is right around the corner. Next week at this time, Christina and Marco will have said I do. They will be dancing the night away at their reception and I will be boogying on down on the dance floor along them. Capturing their smiles, of course :).

Christina and Marco, see you real soon!!!! 

Happy Saturday!!!

Yva Dyva {Office Manager & Assistant Extraordinaire}

As you may have noticed, by my less than **sparkly** and **giddy** blog posts... these past few months have been a little draining for me. This business has grown exponentially and with growth comes growing pains... or in my case, I get the urge to add way more things on my to do lists.

It is with no exception, thus, that assistance was most certainly needed, coveted and very much desired. Back in 2010, at this exact time last year, I wished and dreamt of having my very own office space. As I have previously disclosed, I did not imagine it would happen so soon... Thank you Jesus!!!

So with a new office, all to myself, I next dreamt of having someone to work at the office... someone who could understand me, know me and, most importantly, loved passionately the concept of weddings, photography and all things sparkly & pretty. 

This person, I imagined, would eventually appear at the right moment down the future. And she would jump on board... again I never imagined she'd pop out so quickly! Oh Yva, Yva has truly carved a little nook in my heart where I hold the spaces for the special people in my life. It was not planned, it was not designated, it just simply became inherent for Yva to take over Marisol Izaguirre LLC as the Office Manager and as my Assistant. 

I'd like to officially welcome Yva De La Rosa and to personally introduce her to you my beloved friends. 


Yva is an amazing person who truly cares for those around her. She is kind, caring and full of a wonderful bubbly personality. She is my sorority sister, my friend, and now my trusty sidekick in the coolest job ever. 

Shabby. Vintage. Girly. I think I'm describing myself but guess what? That's totally YVA!!!

Miss De La Rosa is happily engaged to a true prince charming. This future Mrs. Hilbery is in the process of planning her very own wedding!!! As a bride herself, she brings a great perspective and personality to Marisol Izaguirre LLC. She scourges the wedding blogs like nobody's business. Style Me Pretty. Ruffled Blog. Wedding Chicks. You name it, she's seen it. And weddings aside, Yva has an impeccable eye for style. She is one talented woman. 

Yva is a planner, attentive to detail and very, very, very organized. She is a blessing in disguise and I would be so overwhelmed if she wasn't here right now. Yva, thank you!!! She has completely organized me over the past two weeks, wow!

But the best part, the best part is that she gets me. She totally gets me. 

At every session, wedding, meeting she reaches out and hands me an ice-cold-coca-cola. Ahhh.... quenches my thirst :) 

Together, we have spent this summer planning, crafting, dreaming and drinking lots of soda. Yikes!

So now my friends, former, existing and future clients, if you don't recognize my voice... it's probaby Yva! She will be dealing with all the office mangager-y stuff and tag along for as many sessions and weddings as possible from here on now. She'll also do her best to make you giggle :)

You can also follow Yva's blog... The Crowning Jewel... as she writes about her upcoming wedding, including ideas and tips, as well as posting about the Behind the Scenes at Marisol Izaguirre Photography. Here's a link to her wedding blog --> http://thecrowningjewel.blogspot.com/

And now, a friendly face to the lovely soul...

She's really funny. No, really. Funny. 

Yva De La Rosa
Office Manager/Assistant

Yva, in a nutshell :)

Ideally, Yva will learn quickly her way around shooting manually... Our goal is to have join me in photographing from time to time. What do you think? I think she can do it :) The best part is, she wants to learn!

Did I mention we love Coca Cola?...

And, well because I simply had to... I swear she insists on carrying everything, promise!!! Bwahahahaha :) She's the best!!! {See the sodas?!}

Yva, thank you for absolutely everything you do. You are such a help. Actually, help is an understatement. You are truly my sidekick. I turn and look for something and you are, literally, already there reaching out holding whatever it is I could possibly need - be it a lens or my own wallet. You have learned to speak Mary, along with Sofia, impeccably. Today I spent all afternoon, about 4 hours, at the doctor's having everything checked. And Yva so willingly calls in to check up on me at the end of the day. Who does that? Yva does... because she cares and is truly a caring friend. I am very blessed to have such amazing people in my life like you Yva. Sister, I am ever grateful.  


Leslie + Rick... Married! Harlingen, Texas

My dear, I truly am blessed to have such amazingly beautiful and caring clients... Leslie and Rick hold a special place in my heart.

When I met them over a year ago, I never imagined I would get to know them and ultimately be chosen as their wedding photographer. Leslie and I had emailed one another but the day she finally booked me, I was ecstatic! She was one of my first weddings booked for 2011 and I am so very honored to have been able to watch her say I do to her very own prince charming.

During their engagement session over the Christmas break, I finally had the chance to meet Rick. Leslie and Rick are very much perfect for one another. The self professed bully fell in love with his very own princess. The two of them dated over the past few years after high school and have recently embarked on a brand new path - marriage!

I knew I would have a great time getting to know them because we spend their entire engagement session giggling and making jokes. And, most importantly, they laughed at my jokes! Oh Rick and Leslie, you make me feel so witty :)

Their August (yikes!! I'm barely blogging...) nuptials were so romantic, beautiful and so much fun!!! Their wedding reception was hip and happening... if I wasn't working I definitely would have joined in the crowd for some booty shaking and some country line dancing. 

Leslie and Rick, as all of my wonderful clients, you made me feel very much as a guest at your wedding. Thank you! I am delighted to have met you both and wish you every happiness in this world as the two of you navigate your paths together, as husband and wife. You're married, YAY!!!

My beloved friends, I hope the extra hour is helping you feel much more relaxed... I certainly think it's helping ;) Good night!!!