Hello Darling!

My name is Marisol Izaguirre Roten and I have worked really hard to build this business based on a few important aspects of my life...

God is the coolest.
I am ever thankful and blessed.
I believe in Love.
My job is absolutely wonderful... I get to meet amazing people and interact with them during some of their most memorable moments. From seeing a couple in love as they say "I do" to capturing the laughter a family shares, a similar theme lies within each session... genuine love. I created this blog to remember where I started, to track where I am headed, and, to one day, realize how far I have come. I am a thinker, an observer and a writer at heart. To write is my innate nature so this blog serves as a platform for me to share. I share with you my life, my struggles, my success and failures. But, above all, I share with you my love for the art of the photograph.

I am happily married to the man of my dreams. My husband Joshua and I have embarked on creating a life together and everyday we spend together brings a smile to my face. I am head over heels in love with him and it is my pleasure looking forward to building a growing family with him. Together, we have recently become the parents to our beautiful baby girl Abigail. I love my family, my extended family, and all of our pets.

I consider myself an old soul in a modern woman's body. I love all things past and old-worldly. Truly, I'm like a granny at heart. I enjoy all things vintage and completely obsessed with my favorite shade of mint green. Seafoam, mint green, tiffany blue... I don't have a specific name for the color other than calling it "my favorite color of blue." When I see the color, I smile. Similarly, I hope that when you see my work, you smile because you know you have found the right photographer for you. 

Let's Connect

My office has moved!

Marisol Izaguirre
Phone: (956) 569-2257
E-mail: mary@marisolizaguirre.com
***Please note: Email is the absolute best way to contact me regarding your photography needs. I do not check the facebook messages so please, email me or call me. If I am unable to answer your call, leave me a voicemail and I will immediately get back to you. 

Oh, and there's this thing, a social networking site, called Facebook... have you heard of it?
You can find me here :) and you can LIKE the Facebook page here

Finally, I am also on SKYPE if you are not in the Rio Grande Valley, Texas area and would like to chat. My user id is: marisol.izaguirre2


For more detailed information and a complete portfolio please visit my website athttp://marisolizaguirre.com/

You'll be able to see some of my favorite wedding images, portraits, as well as reading more about my photography and style. Plus, I worked really hard on designing it myself, so please head on over for a peek if you'd like... I truly appreciate it :)

WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY is your wedding date available?

If you are planning a wedding in the next couple of months and have still not booked a photographer, I encourage you to inquire for detailed pricing and date availability. Small or big weddings, I enjoy photographing all types of ceremonies where brides say I do to their grooms. 

I currently have dates available for late September, early October, November and December. What is your date? Email me for booking information: mary@marisolizaguirre.com

Happy Wedding Planning!

ALEXANDRA + MARCUS rustic couple's session | mission, texas

I believe I mentioned in earlier posts that I photographed a couple for marketing material to be used with La Munequita Ranch in Mission, Texas a few weeks ago. Today I want to share another session that took place at the lovely ranch with a beautiful couple who have been together for a few years. Alexandra and Marcus have been together for a while and together they enjoy traveling through the state of Texas having fun and serving events with their photo booth rental business. I originally met Alexandra through Facebook and at a wedding fair a few years ago, although I don't remember which came first, and we have kept in touch via social network and just recently when I photographed her and her cowboy :) 

Their session was a breeze and Marcus mentioned Alexandra liked having their portrait taken together quite often so it they were naturals in front of the camera. La Munequita Ranch played a perfect background to their rustic couple's session and made Marcus' cowboy hat and Alexandra's awesome boots really shine. 

Alexandra and Marcus, thank you for coming out and smiling for my camera. It was a pleasure to see you again Alex and great to meet you Marcus. I wish you both much success and love in your relationship. 

You can find more information about La Munequita ranch by emailing lamunequitaranch@gmail.com and for more information on Alexandra's Photobooth Service, you can reach here here: This is the 1! Photo Booth Rental.

Happy Monday friends!