Hello Darling!

My name is Marisol Izaguirre Roten and I have worked really hard to build this business based on a few important aspects of my life...

God is the coolest.
I am ever thankful and blessed.
I believe in Love.
My job is absolutely wonderful... I get to meet amazing people and interact with them during some of their most memorable moments. From seeing a couple in love as they say "I do" to capturing the laughter a family shares, a similar theme lies within each session... genuine love. I created this blog to remember where I started, to track where I am headed, and, to one day, realize how far I have come. I am a thinker, an observer and a writer at heart. To write is my innate nature so this blog serves as a platform for me to share. I share with you my life, my struggles, my success and failures. But, above all, I share with you my love for the art of the photograph.

I am happily married to the man of my dreams. My husband Joshua and I have embarked on creating a life together and everyday we spend together brings a smile to my face. I am head over heels in love with him and it is my pleasure looking forward to building a growing family with him. Together, we have recently become the parents to our beautiful baby girl Abigail. I love my family, my extended family, and all of our pets.

I consider myself an old soul in a modern woman's body. I love all things past and old-worldly. Truly, I'm like a granny at heart. I enjoy all things vintage and completely obsessed with my favorite shade of mint green. Seafoam, mint green, tiffany blue... I don't have a specific name for the color other than calling it "my favorite color of blue." When I see the color, I smile. Similarly, I hope that when you see my work, you smile because you know you have found the right photographer for you.