
"Dasein is an entity which does not just occur among other entities. Rather it is ontically distinguished by the fact that, in its very Being, that Being is an issue for it." 

"The kind of Being which belongs to Dasein is rather such that, in understanding its own Being, it has a tendency to do so in terms of that entity towards which it comports itself proximally and in a way which is essentially constant - in terms of the 'world.' "

"Dasein's falling into the 'they' and the 'world' of its concern, is what we have called a 'fleeing' in the face of itself. But one is not necessarily fleeing whenever one shrinks back in the face of something or turns away from it."

"What oppresses us is not this or that, nor is it the summation of everything present-at-hand; it is rather the possibility of the ready-to-hand in general; that is to say, it is the world itself."

"The 'nothing' of readiness-to-hand is grounded in the most primordial 'something' - in the world. Ontologically, however, the world belongs essentially to Dasein's Being as Being-in-the-world. So if the 'nothing' - that is, the world as such- exhibits itself as that in the face of which one has anxiety, this means that Being-in-the-world itself is that in the face of which anxiety is anxious. 

Being-anxious discloses, primordially and directly, the world as world."

"Anxiety makes manifest in Dasein its Being towards its own-most potentiality-for-Being - that is , its Being-free for the freedom of choosing itself and taking hold of itself. "

"Anxiety can arise in the most innocuous Situations." 

--- From Being and Time. Martin Heidegger, trans. J. Macquarrie and E. Robinson, Oxford: Blackwell, 1967. 

You may not be well-versed in Heidegger's philosophically ontological views, and that's okay because this post is about me: my being, my existence, Dasein in the being of me

When this world fades and washes away, I have faith in one thing... the worries of this world, the sorrow, and the pain will be surpassed by an infinite amount of goodness - a goodness I dare not even attempt to describe. I don't wish for it nor do I pray for it; I merely have faith for it. 

All of my life, the 26 years I've lived, has matured me into the young woman I am today. I cringe at the thought of writing the word woman. As a favorite of mine, Simone de Beauvoir once went on to write that a man never dares to start out a sentence with the description "I am man." Thus, to actively refer to my sociologically given identifier, woman, makes me cringe to an extent. But, as any human being, my feelings and emotions come into play. As much of a favorite as Ms. Beauvoir is for me, philosophically speaking, I also cannot help but cringe knowing that such a great thought we both shared could only make me further cringe in realization that in our feministic ways we still, nonetheless, differ vastly. 

Which brings me to the following point... Why am I so different? 

This is a question I struggle with daily. Webster identifies the ontological term different as, "partly or totally unlike in nature, form or quality." Ladies and gentleman, no matter how nicely my mother describes me as unique, the truth of the ontological fact is, I am different. My views, thoughts, and ideas vary greatly from everyone around me. Sure, there are many similarities and plenty of times when I agree but it is at that exact moment when I agree, such as in agreeance with Ms. Beauvoir's statements, that I automatically switch into some sort of autonomous mind set where my idealistic view literally prevents me from making any sense to this world

Emphasis on the statement of me not making sense to this world because I have never really felt like I belong in it. I cannot be any further explicit in attempting to make you, or any reader for that matter, fully comprehend what it is I mean because the point is you will probably not understand me.

Perhaps I am not meant to be understood.

For every person that has hurt me, I have long forgiven you. For any person who will hurt me in the future, know that you have my forgiveness. I am a kind spirit; I cannot help it. If I am meant to have a burden, then this would be it. My personality, my idealistic mentality, my hope and kindness. Interesting that I should quote Mr. Heidegger... But, as a believer of Christ, I need not have a burden. Any worry that I feel, as a good Christian, I should let it go. It is not easy. It will not be easy. The journey, however, is what further continues to shape me in whatever way God meant for me to be shaped, idealistic or realistic. My view of reality may be skewed to this world, but to me it is completely perfect in an imperfect sense of a term.  

This lonely winter night
I took a quiet stroll
down the path of life
in hopes of knowing more.

Upon a hill I turned
and came to me a halt;
The answers to my questions,
the ideas of my thoughts.

No longer need I fear.
The truth behold me stopped.
The path before me laid,
the journey I survived. 

-Marisol Izaguirre

Above is a poem I wrote a long time ago. I found it appropriate to share with you, if any, within today's blog post. My business is me. I am my business. My photography, the art I create, is merely an extension of who I am as a human being. I share with you because it is who I am. Remember, I'll blog about the mundane to the most intricate of subjects. Furthermore, I share with you my life, in photographs, in poetry, in lyrics, in words. I share and I will continue to share so that one day, as I have always believed when I set out to create this photography journal, I may look back and read my struggles to deeper appreciate where I am at that exact moment in my life. 

A toast, to my idealistic mentality... a mentality which further tears me apart from this world. By all means, cheers!

{Running... to the sea.}

:) Happy day friends!

Mini Sessions - 2012 Mother's Day

Mother's Day is coming up and because I have such an amazing mother who loves me, cares for me, and protects me I thought it would be fitting to offer mini sessions for all of you who'd like to gift a portrait session for your mother. 

The Mother's Day Mini Sessions can be used for some quick family portraits or as a gift to your mother for portraits of herself. Regardless, the mini session will be a great way to gift your beloved mother a truly memorable and special gift... the gift of an instant family heirloom. 

The Details
Sessions will be scheduled between April 6th and May 2nd. I am available Monday thru Friday as well as Saturdays with a scheduled appointment. The ideal shooting times will be from 9 AM to 11 AM and from 4 PM to 7 PM. You can choose a time slot and I will let you know if it is available. Sundays are available but only from 4 PM to 7 PM.

The session fee is $95 (plus tax) and includes a 30 minute session, on location, five (5) 5x7 photographs and a CD with the watermarked images from your session for you to use on the web.** The location(s) will be restricted to the McAllen, Pharr, Edinburg and Weslaco areas. If you'd like the session at another location, a travel fee will have to apply.  To reserve your mini-session spot, the $95 fee must be paid in full prior to the session. 

To reserve your spot and time, please email me at mary@marisolizaguirre.com or call (956) 569-2257. If I am unable to answer your phone call, please leave me a voicemail or feel free to send me a text message. I will get back to you immediately. If you have any questions, let me know :)

I look forward to photographing you!! 

**The CD will contain the images from your session at a low-resolution and will be watermarked with my logo for your personal use on the web. Images may be used on your Facebook profile page, blog, and shared via email. The CD is NOT for printing images. The CD is NOT for editing the images. The CD does NOT grant you, the holder, copyright permission. The CD is solely for you to share your images on the web. If you'd like to purchase high resolution images on a CD with a License to Print, you can order that at an additional price.

I'm sorry for sounding imperative, but I have had prior incidents where my images have been used for other purposes without my permission. It is to your advantage that you understand the difference between personal use and using my images for personal business/financial gain.  


Mienten los que dijeron que yo perdí la luna,
los que profetizaron mi porvenir de arena,
aseveraron tantas cosas con lenguas frías:
quisieron prohibir la flor del universo. 

"Ya no cantara mas el ámbar insurgente
de la sirena, no tiene sino pueblo."
Y masticaban sus incesantes papeles
patrocinando para mi guitarra el olvido.

Yo les lance a los ojos las lanzas deslumbrantes
de nuestro amor clavando tu corazón y el mío,
yo reclame el jazmín que dejaban tus huellas,

yo me perdi de noche sin luz bajo tus párpados
y cuando me envolvió la claridad
nací de nuevo, dueño de mi propia tiniebla. 

- Pablo Neruda

In between laundry this afternoon, I opened one of my favorite books and came across this poem on the first page turn... Thought I'd appropriately share so here's the English translation...

They're liars, those who say I lost the moon,
who foretold a future like a public desert for me,
who gossiped so much with their cold tongues:
they tried to ban the flower of the universe.

"The quick spontaneous mermaids' amber
is finished. Now he has only the people."
And they gnawed on their incessant papers,
they plotted an oblivion on my guitar.

But I tossed -- ha! into their eyes! -- the dazzling lances
of our love, piercing your heart and mine.
I gathered the jasmine your footsteps left behind.

I got lost in the night, without the light
of your eyelids, and when the night surrounded me
I was born again: I was the owner of my own darkness.

- Pablo Neruda
English translation by Stephen Tapscott

Have a great day my friends!
Be blessed :)


I did it, I finally jumped. 

I've jumped before but this time it's different. 

After working as a legal assistant with GRGP I made the decision to let my job go. The stability, I took it out from under my own two feet. The safety net, I cut it free. Am I afraid? Perhaps. But I am letting go of the fear. 

My biggest weakness is believing I can do it all.

I can't. 

I can try, and I have. But at some point, always, you have to choose and I have chosen. I am back to being a FULL TIME PHOTOGRAPHER.


My 2011 clients, I am so very sorry for letting you down. For not answering right away. For allowing myself to fall and not knowing how to get myself back up. But I thank you for your trust. Thank you. I am blessed to have amazing people to work for. I am here. I am back. I am in the now

I'm ready to build. I will build. Watch me grow.

The Lord is with me, God I am yours. 

Mariel. South Padre Island, Texas

I turned 26 years old this past December and spent my birthday in the most subtle form I could have ever imagined... celebrating the engagement and upcoming wedding of two random people I had never previously met. 

Let me preface.

Succumbing into my late twenties had me tip-toeing around the topic of birthday celebrations. Quite frankly, I did not want to do anything fancy. I wanted to turn a year older and nothing else. So when my sorority sister Sofia suggested traveling to Austin for a road trip I happily agreed. On my birthday, I woke up away from home and subtly began a chilly day as if it was any other day. 

I had lunch and played games all while getting to know two beautiful people who were celebrating their engagement... Sofia introduced me to her best friend Mariel and she and her fiance welcomed me with open arms into their celebration, literally. Only such a sweet couple would remind me how special birthdays at their engagement party... thank you!

I have known Mariel for a short a amount of time now, just a few months actually, but I think I was destined to meet her because she is an absolute gem. Beautiful, intelligent and quite a special lady, Mariel is truly a smile on a rainy day. 

She and Nick, her husband, have just wed this past February and I can finally share with you Mariel's bridal session images. I was not her wedding photographer, I was merely blessed to be a guest. But after having met each other, Mariel opted to hire me for a bridal session. 

Their wedding was an absolute blast and I am delighted to have been allowed to share with them. Mariel, you are gorgeous!!!

We spent a lovely afternoon in January photographing along with the help of Yva, Sofia and Marie's amazing wedding planner Valerie from Bridal Trends Weddings at South Padre Island. We began at the actual wedding day venue, the Namar Event Center, and transitioned into the SPI World Birding Center. Both locations were absolutely beautiful... 

Mariel, the adjective beautiful does you no justice... you are absolutely gorgeous!!!

Mariel, thank you for choosing me to photograph you in the most beautiful gown you'll wear. I am delighted to have met you back in December and, even more-so, to be able to continue to learn about you. You are such a kind, caring and lovely soul trapped inside a petite being. I congratulate you and Nick on your recent nuptials and wish you every happiness in a very blessed marriage! Congratulations again!!!

Xoxo :)