
I did it, I finally jumped. 

I've jumped before but this time it's different. 

After working as a legal assistant with GRGP I made the decision to let my job go. The stability, I took it out from under my own two feet. The safety net, I cut it free. Am I afraid? Perhaps. But I am letting go of the fear. 

My biggest weakness is believing I can do it all.

I can't. 

I can try, and I have. But at some point, always, you have to choose and I have chosen. I am back to being a FULL TIME PHOTOGRAPHER.


My 2011 clients, I am so very sorry for letting you down. For not answering right away. For allowing myself to fall and not knowing how to get myself back up. But I thank you for your trust. Thank you. I am blessed to have amazing people to work for. I am here. I am back. I am in the now

I'm ready to build. I will build. Watch me grow.

The Lord is with me, God I am yours. 


I find myself dreaming, wishing, hoping.


For the first time, in a very long time, I feel content.

As if I happiness can be mine.

Real, true and genuine happiness.

{It  must be the new haircut...}

I am ready to trust, give and receive... God is love!

Have a great Sunday friends!
Xoxo :)


I came across this photo from one of my fall weddings... and realized that I make THE funniest squishy faces when I am behind the camera. Which got me thinking about some of the awkward things that identify me as a photographer...

{See above, said 'squishy' face. 10.08.2011}

Work it baby.
I am the proverbial cheesy photographer behind the the camera.  Every single time I am photographing someone I cannot help but blurt out the the most random cheesy comments. Time after time. "Oohh, that's perfect!" "Agh! Love it!" "Love it!!" You think it, I have probably said it. Gah, I cringe sometimes at the stuff that comes out of my mouth sometimes.

I'm a monkey.
I'm on the floor, I'm on top of furniture, and running around like crazy. I may be a little forward by stating the following, but surely I must have buns of steels because I do squats and run around like crazy during my sessions and weddings. You want a workout plan, pick up a camera (which weighs a lot!) and come join me ;)

**Please note: I am not admitting I have buns of steel. ;-)

I cannot ever stop being a photographer.
Even when I am not working, I cannot help but see the world differently... When something catches my eye, I photograph it - be it with a photographic device or with a mental snapshot. My passion allows me to create memories. I love it :) I thought about this because I realized that I have so many photos of the important people in my life. I just can't help it... So, chances are, if you are in my life, I will photograph you. Constantly. 

Anyway, keep an eye out for my squishy face... ;)

Have a lovely week!

The 'Oh' Moment.

I remember during Continental Philosophy class in the Fall of 2007 when Dr. Buckman mentioned at the beginning of the semester that we may never understand or fully grasp any concept taught in class at the end of the course. Odd. Well, no. What he meant was that we may not know said subject, and that at some point in our lives we would have the 'Oh' moment... the moment when we would finally get what he was talking about. 

This is true; it does happen.

Two years ago, almost a full year after graduation, I was driving on the expressway taking care of errands. At some point in between the speed limit sign and my exit I had my 'Oh' moment - I understood a concept from one of Dr. Buckman's philosophy courses I had once failed to fully grasp. It was as if something, literally, smacked me in the face and the intellect suddenly blossomed in my brain. 

Well, guess what? 

The angst, existential I am sure, that I have journey-ed through the past year may have finally decided to subside. I say may have because I'd be lying if I knew exactly where my life is going. My point, however, is that I have finally made a decision - an important one. 

I have had a much anticipated and desired 'Oh' moment where I have reached a level of comfort to allow me to take the arrow of my life and point it where I want to go. 

The best part, wait for it..., I feel great with the choice I deliberated over in a quick, one second prayer that took me almost four years to finally pray. The power of Love...

Love for your self.
Love for your dreams.
Love for passion.
Love for being.
Love for others.
Love for our God who allows us to dream.

The photo above is mysterious, as am I. You may wonder what my decision is, or, rather vaguely, what it is I am talking about. I will not be an attorney. Not now. And probably not ever. If it was meant to be, I would have done it when I first had the chance. So where am I headed?

At this present moment, I choose to be mysterious, and keep to myself. When I am ready, I will tell you... when it's time to go.

Friends, let go of fear.


La vie. {Life}

As per Ms. Battistelli...

"So break me of impatience
I've got a new appreciation
It's not the end of the world
Conquer my frustrations."

- Francesca Battistelli, "This Is The Stuff"

This song takes the words straight from my lips and the feelings of my heart.

{Photos from a day of rest... the musings of a full Saturday spent with lovely friends.}
Have a great week my friends!!!! 

More lyrics: http://www.lyricsmania.com/this_is_the_stuff_lyrics_francesca_battistelli.html
All about Francesca Battistelli: http://www.musictory.com/music/Francesca+Battistelli