OFFICE SPACE missing my old one and making a mess in my current one

I'll be honest, I miss my old office space. Back when I was in Suite 405 inside the historic Villa de Cortez in Weslaco, Texas I had my own little corner, a space all my own, to share with the world. I loved meeting potential clients in my office and absolutely loved getting dressed, driving a few minutes, and climbing the stairs to head up to the fourth flour. I hardly rode the elevator; I was too afraid to ride in it alone. For some reason, having that suite address attached to my name made me feel like I had made it. I was, literally, on top of the world. 

Okay, so I was only on top in the fourth floor but while my office window may not have had a view of Napa Valley, the Caribbean, or the Mediterranean Sea, it still had a view and I loved it. I picked out the most perfect curtains to frame the window and saved for the perfect white leather chair. I used to admire the chair weekly and think to myself one day I would have my very own office space in which to sit in it. 

And I did. It was hard work, a lot of hard work, but I made it happen. 

There I was, looking like a teeny bopper but still making my own decisions and being the boss. My own boss. Fast forward to today and here I am sitting amidst a huge mess - one I made solely by myself. Ahh, I don't even know where to begin cleaning.

After I got married and moved away from my parent's home (finally, ha!), careful thought and consideration led me to conclude that I would be better off closing shop and working from where ever I was until we decided on a more permanent location. Having daily morning sickness, up until the eight :: EIGHT:: month made making this decision so much easier. While I loved my office, it just was not necessary at that stage in my life. It was beautiful to have but I had no desire to maintain it. All I could do was worry about keeping food down my tummy and enjoying playing house. While I did work, I worked a whole lot less and just enjoyed being married. 

But now that our little one has been born, I think the nesting bug left me because I have had such a hard time wanting to organize my workspace at home. I constantly move things around only to make more of a mess each and every single time. Like I mentioned earlier, I don't even know where to begin cleaning. I find myself in here late at night, looking around, hoping to be inspired to create a space where I can work comfortably. 

I am currently typing with one hand, feeding my baby with the other, and sitting on top of a pile of curtains I previously left on that white leather chair I used to day dream about. Yikes! What have I done?!

I've made a mess. A big one.

Pictured above is the current state of my desk... there is nearly enough room for that one hand I am using to type. Oh my goodness, I need to clean up!!! I have been telling my husband that I feel like I am going through a frump stage ever since I cut my hair and realized I miss my long, black locks. Well, I think I am going through a business frump stage as well. I think I know the culprit behind it all. I may very well share with you but I think that will make for another blog post.

So for now, good night. Happy Saturday friends, and to all those who were married today, congratulations!

Yours truly,
Frump Girl