Kyle + Yva... Engaged! Mission, Texas

Next years' wedding season commences in March. As of right now, the first wedding I have on the books is Yva and Kyle's upcoming nuptials in the month of March. Their wedding date seems to be very popular among many 2013 weddings and while it has been sad to turn down other happy couples, I couldn't be happier to be Yva and Kyle's wedding photographer. 

I have been officially hired for this 2013 wedding since two, yup TWO, years ago!!!

Two years ago we thought the day would never get here... now as fall is in full swing and the month of December is proudly upon us, I can't believe how close the wedding is! Yva has since carved a very special place in my heart. She has become my best friend, an amazing sorority sister, and above all, a big help during weddings and sessions. 

As my assistant and office manager, Yva kept me on top of my game last year. Everything I could possibly think I needed during office hours, weddings or sessions, she was one step ahead of the game. Amazing! This year, she really pushed through especially in the recent weeks where I have really needed assistance with equipment, reminders, and just some friendly company as I continue to work in the last stages of my pregnancy. 

And how about Kyle... Kyle is Yva's prince charming. 

Yup, he is everything she needs in life and together they balance each other out. Kyle is fun, funny, and very much a loving man. He cares deeply for Yva and it is completely evident by how nurturing he is with her. Yva, Yva giggles when she talks about Kyle. You'd think she just met him and is crushing on him but these two have many years of dating under their belt. 

Their next step, marriage, is more than appropriate. I am certain that they will make an amazing husband and wife for one another. It is inevitable. 

Every time I am around them, be it five minutes or for an entire day, our time is spent laughing indefinitely. They are just so much fun to be around! So it was no surprise that photographing their engagement session would turn into a lovely day of photographing, giggles and birthday cake. 

We began their session in the town they call home, a place where they first met many years ago...

Yva is an avid Coca-Cola drinker!!! Emphasis on the word avid... This ring shot, which has since become an ultimate favorite of mine was conceptually put together by my husband Joshua! I am so proud of him!!! Since Yva was the subject of my camera today, I needed some muscle to help me during the day... Thank you Joshua!!!

These next sets of images are some Yva and I have been anxiously waiting to photograph for two years now!!! I am so glad we were able to capture these in the last 10 minutes before the sun completely set!!!

Yva, you make one beautiful bride! I cannot wait to see you in your full bridal attire as you walk towards your new life on your wedding day. Kyle, thank you for making my friend oh-so-happy! You are such a kind, caring and gentle soul... You too belong with each other. Most importantly, I thank you for allowing me to be your wedding photographer. I am so excited for you both!!! 

Congrats on the engagement and can't wait for the wedding!!!

Hugs :)