
I sit here, on my first lazy Saturday morning in weeks, and watch the movie An Officer and a Gentleman from beginning to the end. I make it through the movie with endless commercial breaks. The movie nears its end. Richard Gere rides his motorcycle into the factory filled with woman workers. He walks through, every way an officer, and finds his lady. He picks her up and hugs her, every way a gentleman. I find myself crying - the woman gets her prince charming. 1980s film, classic.

Gere's Mayo loved Debra's Paula and she loved him back. No gimmicks, they end up with each other. I smile. My smile is because no matter how many people tell you the fairy tale is not true, I am here to tell you it is. The fairy tale we read through as young girls is very much true. We often forget, however, that the heroine, the princess, in the tale always suffers before charming rescues her. 

Albeit, some of us don't require rescuing in the etymological sense of the term, we all very much want to be swept off our feet. So wherever you may be in your life my dear women, know that it will always get better. 

We can often find ourselves wishing to be rescued and secretly angry at the behavior unbecoming of our gentlemen. It's okay to feel that way. However, don't settle for anything less than what your really want and very much deserve. 

He is out there for you. He is.

Charming may simply be waiting for the opportune time to, unequivocally, rescue you. 

Let him find you. Don't dwell, don't flounder, and don't settle. Be yourself and live your life. Trust that everything else will fall into place.

I met a man at the beginning of this year, and I have since married him. No regrets. My charming, my blue-eyed prince really did find me. The tragedy that the princess slash heroine always endures varies in each fairy tale. In my case, Maleficient didn't put me to sleep with a bewitched spindle. Instead, I endured a different tragedy in a loosely defined sense of the term. 

I didn't lose my voice as a trade in for legs, at least not literally. The moment I did find my voice, however, my legs grew the strength they needed to allow me to walk away. I walked, allowed for and kept my hope.

Whatever tragedy I may have endured was meant to be and I would not have it any other way. My journey to my fairy tale is no different than any other woman's. The details vary but underneath it all we all feel and want the same. 

When you are ready for love, in its full essence of the term: unconditionally, true and ready for commitment, accept it. Take it and embrace it for your success in love fuels the engine of the rest of the awaiting women. 

My name is Marisol Izaguirre Roten and today, on June 23, 2012, I find myself walking the path of my life - a life I deserve - with my hand being held honestly and tenderly. I am married, healthy and with the Lord's blessing, on the path to becoming a mother. 

I could say don't look back, embrace the present and live for the future. But I'd be lying. Do look back, learn from what you lived and the people with whom you lived it with so that you cherish every moment in your life. So when the best, your best, arrives you may easily recognize it. 

{Mr & Mrs... Established 2012 Photo by my BFF Yva de la Rosa}

Make it a great weekend my friends!