Featured: Valley Wedding Social & Events Magazine


I may have slightly forgotten to share with you some great news!!! For the first time, ever!, my work has been featured and published in a magazine! 

{I am doing a happy dance at this exact moment. No, really I am.}

The Valley Wedding Pages is a local magazine that has grown into a hot magazine for local brides on their journey to planning a wedding. I've been a fan of collecting this magazine for years now!! I have always enjoyed flipping through it and admiring all the beautiful weddings and pretty pictures in it. I'm not a bride but the magazine has a soft spot in my heart regardless. 

I always wished and dreamt of the day that my work would appear in its pages... and guess what?! It has!!!

The Valley Weddings & Social Events quarterly magazine has featured Christina and Marco's romantic November wedding in their Spring issue. I am beyond excited. It is a small step for me here, but a giant leap of confidence I will treasure forever. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

I have met a great new contact and am so delighted Rebecca, with the Valley Wedding Pages, gave me a call. Again, thank you!

{To view Christina and Marco's Wedding Blog Post, CLICK HERE.}

Here I am... with all my cheesy glory! Ha ha!

For more information on the Valley Wedding Pages and Valley Weddings & Social Events, please visit their website at http://valleyweddingpages.com/. Don't forget to pick up your FREE copy of the magazine from many local shops around the Rio Grande Valley. You can find Christina and Marco's wedding on pages 26 and 27.

Have a great day friends!