
I have a confession to make... I have been to the movies four times in the past week!!! Yikes... but the real confession is that I went to see Bridesmaids today with my lovely sorority sisters for the second time in five days.  No biggie, but I really enjoy spending time with my lovely sisters and certainly did not mind watching the movie again. 

I still laughed. I still found it hilariously funny. I still didn't catch some of the jokes. And I still thought it was a little long for a comedy. But, regardless, I, again, had a wonderful time with friends. 

To my friends and sisters, thank you for keeping me company the past few weeks. I've really needed the quality time... Thank you!!!

In lieu of not posting a photo with this blog post... how about a little-itty-bitty peek from a lovely session.... 

Yay, it's Wednesday!!! I hope you enjoyed it :)