In the spirit of Easter weekend, and all the warm fuzzies that family love gives me, I have decided to offer a one time - one day deal for all you loving families in my area who are looking to have a quick spring portrait done. I will be at the San Juan Basilica, commonly referred to by valley folk as "the Shrine," today in the early evening for a special session. Since I will make the drive out to San Juan, I am opening up a brief time slot for any one to show up and have a quick portrait done for only $25 (plus sales tax!). It will be quick, really quick - ten minutes to be exact, and you'll be able to see your photos in an online gallery the following day. You can order any prints and products from your session at your discretion after viewing your pictures. You can order a few days after the session, or save some more cash and order some time later. It is up to you… I just felt in the spirit of giving and decided to give you a little of my time tomorrow evening. If you are up for it, and have your little family around, head over and let me snap your portrait.
Please note: This is a one time offer and only valid for tomorrow Saturday April 19th 2014 between 5 - 7 PM. Payment can be cash, check, or credit/debit card and will be due at the time of your session. If you would like more information or want to let me know you'll be there, you can reach me at or via phone at (956) 569-2257.
Keep in mind, the $25 fee covers a quick ten minute session and will yield a small gallery of photos for you to choose from. If you are interested in having a more relaxed, and detailed session, I highly advise you to consider scheduling a Portrait Session at a later time.
2014 © Marisol Izaguirre
See you there!