Two weeks ago I had picked out your birthday card but I decided to put it back and buy them later. I never went back. I figured I'd make it happen this weekend but then our home flooded. The house became a mess and we were begrudgingly displaced. While I enjoyed our unexpected mini vacation, it just completely threw me for a loop and I never got to buy you a birthday present, let you sleep in, or write you a birthday message.
To top it off, I left the two steaks we picked out yesterday to hang out in the car all day. I didn't even know I had left them behind. Honestly, I don't know what happened to me today.
So here we are, in full night mode of your birthday and I am finally writing you a meaningful note.
My dearest, happy birthday.
In the short years that I know you, I am glad to watch you grow older. As you age, I age with you. Together we learn from one another how to be husband and wife. Earlier when I pointed out the elderly couple in the convertible, I imagined that would be us. I look forward to growing old with you, still madly and deeply in love. Two older souls still making each other laugh. Husband and wife who have aged together, created and nurtured a family, and still so in love. You my dear are wise beyond your years. A true gentleman, you were created to guide me, to love me, to be mine. And I yours.
Your parents raised you well. I am so lucky. You are an amazing husband. Even better, you are a loving parent. Abigail falls deeper in love with you daily.
Another year older, and I am right here next to you ready and willing to grow with you. My dearest, the best is yet to be.
Today on your 30th, I wish you a happy, happy birthday my dear. I love you.
2014 © Marisol Izaguirre
2014 © Marisol Izaguirre
2014 © Marisol Izaguirre
Joshua, I love you.