Baby Olivia - McAllen, Texas

I have known Olivia's parents for about three years now... When I first photographed their wedding back on a hot summer I could only hope I'd get the call back to continue photographing all of their important events.

Thankfully, I did.

I have since photographed their baby boy as a newborn and now, three years later, have had the honor of photographing the newest addition to their little family... Olivia!

Olivia missed the mark for a newborn session by a few months... six months to be exact. But this beautiful baby girl was just as much to photograph as her big brother was a year ago. She was sweet, a bit timid, and absolutely gorgeous. Her eyes, they are beautiful. And when she smiles, she is completely adorable. Best part, she wanted to chew on my camera... talk about teething!

Spending my early morning meeting this baby girl and taking her picture was a piece of cake. She was cooperative and did I already mention adorable? Olivia is sweet and has gorgeous eyes accompanied by beautiful long lashes. She's going to break some hearts in the years to come ;)

Cassandra and Joseph, thank you for allowing me to photograph your little girl. She makes a great addition to your beautiful family and I am delighted I finally got to meet her! Be blessed Olivia.

Enjoy the week friends! :)