Wow, I completely failed to blog the entire month of May - yikes! I had every intention to begin sharing with you all of this season's wedding and engagement work. Somehow I let the month slip by and here I am today, in the second week of June, eagerly hoping to catch up. In all fairness, my office space is still awaiting its floor to be installed (more on this later) so it is a complete mess. Having my office in a complete mess makes me hate being in there because I feel so uninspired, blah!!!! I have, however, kept busy with engagements, bridals, and weddings all while overseeing the remodel of half our home, keeping up with our 18 month old baby girl, and reaching the end of this second pregnancy. Whew, that was a long sentence and these past few months have felt so long yet so short. Where o where has the time gone?
Anyway, I am making a goal this week to catch up on this blog and share with you all the prettiness I have witnessed this wedding season. Right after today's blog post I am hitting the laptop and preparing some photos to share, wahoo!!
07.03.2014 Taking a break during an engagement session
So I am nearing the end of this pregnancy and very much into my 2014 wedding season so I am struggling with finding a balance between home, motherhood, and work but I am somehow managing. Mostly with the help of my husband, our cooperative little girl, and my family. Seriously, I have the best job ever and an amazing support system.