Ahh! We are well into completing the first week of February and I have yet to sit down, think about, and write out my business goals for 2014. Since the odds of that actually happening now are rather slim, I figured I will just dive right in and set some goals to accomplish in the month of February. I'll focus now on monthly goals and work really hard on trying to achieve them. In this way, I may be more motivated to accomplish things throughout the year rather than procrastinating.
1.) Maintain a clean office space - I place emphasis on the word maintain. I clean my office constantly but I seem to be lacking in the capability of maintaining it that way. If I maintained it clean, I would probably have less stress to clean more often and focus on working. After each thorough cleaning, my office looks pristine and inviting. Then a few days pass by and when I step back in to work on something, big or small project, I end up creating a huge mess. I think the solution to this problem is I need to focus on creating a real "work space or area" where I can really sit down to do the manual labor I often work on for various projects. I am hoping this will keep me from putting things all over the floor, the chairs, my desk and sofa. The closet also needs to be cleaned and organized: this is a must!!
2.) Clean my desk - I suppose this could be included in the aforementioned goal but I chose to write it out separately so that I can really tackle this and accomplish it. I have four empty drawers in my desk that currently house random junk that really should not be readily available to me. I need to organize my flies and have things I need at my desk to be found on my desk.
3.) Pricing Guide - It is imperative that I update my pricing guide and have a handful readily available. I'll need to delete any old and outdated files in my hard drive as well so that I don't have to open a million files before finding the correct one. I am hoping that by having this easily accessible and readily available, I will be more efficient at bookings over the next coming months.
At the beginning of the next month, I'll share some new goals to accomplish and discuss the hopeful success of accomplishing these current goals. I know it's only three small goals, but I figured I should be realistic with myself. Ha! I promise to kick it up a notch next month ;)
2011 © Marisol Izaguirre
Lastly, for a visual effect, here's an oldie but a goodie from a 2011 San Isidro, Texas Engagement session.
Happy Friday Friends!