It's a brand new year!
I have grown so much in both my personal and my professional life. 2013 came and went and I am so glad I was able to make so many beautiful memories with my loved ones.
A brand new year makes me excited; eager to enjoy the moments I get to spend learning and succeeding, even when success is intertwined with lessons learned and failure. Professionally, I am eager to sit down and set goals - goals that I am willing to work hard to accomplish.
The first goal that comes to mind immediately as I sit down to type this is to blog. I began my business by sharing with you, my faithful reader, who I was. You learned about the struggles, my success, the lessons I tried to teach myself, and the lessons that life truly taught me. I connected with my audience and my client. When someone asked to hire me, I wasn't merely a photographer on the other end of the phone. I was someone they knew a little something about, someone who was humble and hopeful. And that's where I am ready to head back to: I am ready to share my life once again with my reader and client. I have selfishly enjoyed the past year all to myself. I have grown so much in my life that I have truly just enjoyed it.
Motherhood has become my number one responsibility. While I am not any where near perfect, I now feel comfortable enough in my mommy skin and ready to dive back to what got me all this happiness in my life… my photography.
So as this first day of 2014 draws to a close, I comfortably sit in my office typing this. As you may have already guessed, my first business goal for this year is to blog. So yay, day one - accomplished… may I continue for 364 days more!
214 © Marisol Izaguirre
Happy New Year my friends! I wish you nothing but peace, love and health in 2014.
Shine bright, be blessed!