Marisol Izaguirre

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I came across this photo from one of my fall weddings... and realized that I make THE funniest squishy faces when I am behind the camera. Which got me thinking about some of the awkward things that identify me as a photographer...

{See above, said 'squishy' face. 10.08.2011}

Work it baby.
I am the proverbial cheesy photographer behind the the camera.  Every single time I am photographing someone I cannot help but blurt out the the most random cheesy comments. Time after time. "Oohh, that's perfect!" "Agh! Love it!" "Love it!!" You think it, I have probably said it. Gah, I cringe sometimes at the stuff that comes out of my mouth sometimes.

I'm a monkey.
I'm on the floor, I'm on top of furniture, and running around like crazy. I may be a little forward by stating the following, but surely I must have buns of steels because I do squats and run around like crazy during my sessions and weddings. You want a workout plan, pick up a camera (which weighs a lot!) and come join me ;)

**Please note: I am not admitting I have buns of steel. ;-)

I cannot ever stop being a photographer.
Even when I am not working, I cannot help but see the world differently... When something catches my eye, I photograph it - be it with a photographic device or with a mental snapshot. My passion allows me to create memories. I love it :) I thought about this because I realized that I have so many photos of the important people in my life. I just can't help it... So, chances are, if you are in my life, I will photograph you. Constantly. 

Anyway, keep an eye out for my squishy face... ;)

Have a lovely week!