Marisol Izaguirre

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Mini Session - Jessica D.

This was my first year incorporating "Mini-Sessions" into my photography business. I had been wanting to give the idea a try and the holiday season works perfect :) It's nice to offer a good deal for everyone to get great family portraits and some really cool prints. I actually blogged the first mini-session a while back but I have been swamped with tons of work so I have been extremely behind on blogging my recent work. Blah! But do not fret my faithful reader, I have worked really hard the past two days to catch myself up on my work. Today, I want to share with you Jessica's mini-session...

I have photographed Jessica three times this year... she is truly a great client! Jessica graduated a few months ago but because she jumped straight into the real world, she was unable to get graduation photos of herself. She is an extremely spunky young woman and is truly preparing for a lifetime of happiness. On top of being the collegiate chapter director for Delta Zeta, she is planning a wedding! Oh, and of course she works her actual job daily. She is truly a talented woman. 

The day of Jessica's session was nice but really chilly by south Texas weather standards. And the sun, it did not come out to play that day. However, I absolutely love shooting in gloomy weather... talk about a natural softbox... when I looked through Jessica's collection, I could not help but think her session went beyond the typical "graduation photos." And I love it. 

I hope Jessica loved it too... Jessica you are an amazing woman and I have truly enjoyed photographing you throughout this year. Thank you a million times for believing in me since day one and always trusting me to capture the big moments in your life. People like you, make my job truly wonderful and very much easier. It is always a pleasure to see you through the lens and I hope that we will have tons more opportunities to photograph you.

Enough words, how about some pictures?...

I'll end with this one... because she rocked her session ;)

Happy Tuesday! :)