Marisol Izaguirre

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Wohooo... My life is Good :)

Dear friends, yes you my faithful reader, I am very excited about all things photography :) Yes, indeed I am. I have a special project I have will be working on within the rest of this month and all of May. Boy am I excited. I really can't divulge details at the present moment but you should just know that God is Good and I am thankful for all his blessings. Every night when I say my bedtime prayers I have long talks with God. I pray the usual Bless my family, my Chris, his family, our friends, my pets, those that are not my friends. Bless the world Lord, Bless us all... and always throw in the most random prayer requests - all the time! Please Lord I pray that you help me understand how to properly expose every time, pleeeease.

I'm not kidding, ask God. Since he is the father of this beautiful world he created I know he can properly expose, I know it. So just as I pray for Christ's mind in all my daily actions I also ask for photography knowledge. In fact, since starting my present office job a few months back I've asked for an accounting brain, too. Time after time, God always delivers. And for every single time I am very, very thankful. God, thank you. Yes, God reads my blog too :) He knows it all!!!

Yay! I've blogged for one whole week straight :) I'm telling you, God is gooood :) I'll fill you in the big announcement soon - I promise :) I have a productive day ahead of me tomorrow... and an important meeting with Harley Davidson - Mission... wink ;) So for now I leave you with a good night kiss, the knowledge that you're in my prayers and a sneak peek at a session I'll be blogging soon :)

Happy Tuesday :)