Marisol Izaguirre

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Hello 2010!!!!

I left 2009 in tears and entered 2010 just the same. Pity. But regardless of the way some people make me feel I am glad to have experienced everything I did last year and look forward to what the Lord has in store for me this 2010. I absolutely love watching the big fireworks in the sky on New Year's Eve. They make me smile, really. I spent a lot of 2009 living in "fear" - afraid of the what if's and how to's. But that was then and this is now. Today is the first day of a brand new year and I am so lucky to be alive to enjoy it :) God has always been good to me and I am ever thankful. God, thank you.

I am so excited to fully invest myself in my photography. I have spent most, if  not all, of December extremely sick but I am finally getting better. I hate being ill; it inhibits me from doing things I love, like photography. But alas, trips to the doctors, pharmacy, and constant nagging on my mom has made me a trooper. I am finally feeling better, yay! And with a regain in my health, I feel so alive and ready to step forward with this little business venture of mine. I am thankful for all the people who believe in me and for those who continue to push me forward.

I woke up today and felt strong. I missed this strenght for most of 2009, but 2010 has brought it back to me and I'm never losing myself again - at least I'm going to try not to ;) I figured the best way to enjoy the day was to be carefree and enjoy the little things in life. So I wrangled my little, well, gigantic, brothers and went to the park. It was chilly but a beautiful day and I took the sunlight in, I took it all as a matter of fact.

At 5'2'' I am a pretty small woman. But within this short, and at the moment rather plump, body lies the soul of an ambitious woman. My name is Marisol Izaguirre and among many things I am a photographer. This 2010 I won't make any resolutions. Instead, I will do. Simple as that; when fear strikes me and my legs begin to quiver, I will stand proud and know that God gave me mighty muscles. Move over mighty mouse, there's a new photographer in town and I'm ready to build a brand.
I hope the world enjoyed a beautiful 2009 and wish everyone of you a blessed 2010. I can't wait to climb the ladder God has set up for me this year.

Happy New Year and God Bless!!!!